Performance by Grupo Oito

Who hasn't experienced this? The apartment or the job goes to another person, the sentence cannot be finished, certain areas are taboo, but the fear of physical violence is always present, experiences and feelings are not taken seriously by the other person - and the question arises, does this have anything to do with me, with what or who I am or am not? Because I am a woman? Because I am black? Because I am ...

Labyrinth traces all the invisible walls, glass ceilings and stones in the way that some people are confronted with and others are not, uncovers them and clears them out of the way. And since this is not always so easy in real life, the fantastic world opens up countless possibilities, visions and helpers. Grupo Oito invites you to dance through the labyrinth of life, which is not the same for everyone, but in which everyone strives for equal opportunities and seeks healing.

Premiere: Friday, October 14th 2022 | 8:30pm | HAU2 - Hebbel am Ufer Berlin
Further Performances: October 15th | 8:30pm & October 16th 2022 | 5pm

Performers: Laura Alonso, Caroline Alves, Ruben Nsue, Cintia Rangel, Natalie Riedelsheimer, Miro Wallner
Direction & Choreography: Ricardo de Paula
Choreography Assistent: Mareike Jung
Dramaturgy: Katja von der Ropp
Stage Design: Sarah Seini
Costume Design: Michelle Ferreira
Sound Design: Biano Lima
Sound Technician: Makoto Inoue
Light Design: Raquel Rosildete
Production: MIFRUSH Production (Micaela Trigo & Urszula Heuwinkel)
Production Assistent: Tamera Vinhas
Foto documentation: Tito Casal
Video Documentation: Tuca Paoli
Public Relations & Media: PocketDesign
Koproduktion: HAU Hebbel am Ufer

Press Release:
Tanz durchs Labyrinth des Lebens (
Volkmar Draeger,, Oktober 2022)
Aus dramaturgischer Sicht (
Volkmar Draeger,, Oktober 2022)
Atempause im Irrgarten (
Maria Ladopoulos,, Oktober 2022)

Funded by Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa and Fonds Darstellende Künste aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen von NEUSTART KULTUR.


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